Fully Funded Scholarship In University Of Pecs Hungary Government 2024

Fully Funded Scholarship In University Of Pecs Hungary Government 2024

Fully Funded Scholarship In University Of Pecs Hungary Government 2024

The University of Pécs Scholarship 2024 presents a golden opportunity for aspiring international students as part of Hungary’s prestigious Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship program. This fully funded scholarship orchestrated by the Hungarian Government, aims to foster global education by offering full time Bachelor’s, Master’s and doctoral programs.

The University of Pécs standing as one of Hungary’s largest higher education institutions joins 27 other participating universities across the country in providing this esteemed scholarship opportunity.

Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship at University of Pécs

The University of Pécs Scholarship, operating within the framework of the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship program, is a gateway to academic excellence in Hungary.

This scholarship caters to a variety of academic levels, encompassing Bachelor programs with a duration of 2-4 years (BA, BSc), Master programs spanning 1.5-2 years (MA, MSc Degree) and one-tier master programs extending over 5-6 years (MA, MSc Degree).

Scholarship Benefits

The allure of this scholarship lies not only in the academic opportunities it provides but also in the comprehensive financial support it offers. Successful applicants can expect the following benefits:

  1. Full Exemption from Tuition Fees: The scholarship covers the entirety of tuition fees, alleviating the financial burden on students and allowing them to focus solely on their studies.
  2. Monthly Stipend: Recipients will receive a monthly stipend to assist with living expenses, ensuring a comfortable and conducive environment for academic pursuits.
  3. Contribution toward Accommodation: The scholarship includes a contribution toward accommodation, further easing the financial strain on students residing in Hungary.
  4. Medical Insurance Coverage: Health is a top priority and the scholarship ensures that students have access to medical insurance coverage during their academic journey.
  5. Reimbursement for Travel Costs: To facilitate the transition to and from Hungary, the scholarship provides reimbursement for travel costs promoting accessibility for international students.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the University of Pécs Scholarship, prospective candidates need to meet specific criteria..

  1. Exclusion of Hungarian Citizens: The scholarship is exclusively for international students and Hungarian citizens are not eligible for this particular program.
  2. Education Level Requirements:
    • Bachelor’s degree applicants should possess a secondary school certificate.
    • Master’s degree applicants require a graduation degree.
    • Doctoral degree applicants must hold a master’s degree.
  3. Academic Excellence: The scholarship program encourages applicants with outstanding academic records, recognizing and rewarding academic merit.

Eligible Nationalities: The University of Pécs Scholarship under the Stipendium Hungaricum program is open to citizens from eligible countries as designated by the scholarship program. Currently, there are 94 sending partners involved in this scholarship initiative, broadening the scope of accessibility for international students.

Application Procedure

Embarking on the journey to apply for the University of Pécs Scholarship requires a systematic approach to ensure a seamless and successful application process.

Here’s a step by step guide:

General Document Requirements

Applicants should be prepared to provide the following documents as part of their application:

  1. Online Application Form: Complete the online application form available on the official website of Tempus Public Foundation.
  2. Motivation Letter: Articulate your motivation for applying for the scholarship, detailing why you wish to pursue your academic journey at the University of Pécs.
  3. Language Proficiency Certificate: Demonstrate proficiency in the language of instruction, usually English. This is a crucial requirement to ensure effective communication in the academic environment.
  4. Academic Transcripts: Provide transcripts detailing your academic achievements and performance.
  5. School Certificates: Include certificates from your previous educational institutions.
  6. Identification Document: Submit a valid identification document.
  7. Medical Certificate: This may be necessary, especially for health related programs.
  8. Portfolio and Audio Portfolio: For candidates pursuing arts and music degrees, a portfolio or audio portfolio may be required.

Application Process

  1. Access the Online Application System: Visit the online application system provided by Tempus Public Foundation and register by providing basic information.
  2. Log In: After registration, log in using the access code provided.
  3. Select Study Program and University: Choose “The University of Pécs” as your specific institution. Select your desired study level (bachelor, master, or doctoral), study mode (full degree studies or partial/exchange studies) and language of study (English).
  4. Program Priority: Indicate your program preferences by selecting a maximum of two study programs, specifying your first and second choices.
  5. Submit the Application: Complete the remaining sections of the online application form, upload the required documents and submit the application before the deadline, which is January 15, 2024.
  6. Nomination by Home Country Authority: Nomination by the responsible authority of your home country is crucial. Contact them for specific nomination requirements.
  7. Evaluation by University of Pécs: The University of Pécs will evaluate nominated applications by May 30.
  8. Notification of Successful Applicants: Successful applicants will receive their Letter of Admission and Letter of Award by July 15 at the latest.

Note: Nomination by the home country’s authority and meeting their specific requirements is crucial for a successful application.

The University of Pécs Scholarship 2024, operating under the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship program is a gateway to academic excellence in Hungary. This fully funded scholarship not only covers tuition fees but also provides comprehensive financial support, making it an attractive opportunity for international students.

Prospective applicants are encouraged to envision themselves as part of the vibrant academic community at the University of Pécs contributing to the university’s legacy of excellence. Navigating the application process with diligence and adhering to the specified deadlines are essential steps toward securing this esteemed scholarship.

For more detailed information and specific guidelines, prospective applicants are advised to visit the official website of the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme or the University of Pécs. The scholarship beckons ambitious students to embark on a transformative academic journey where learning, cultural exchange and personal growth converge in the heart of Hungary.

Don’t miss the chance to be part of this enriching experience at the University of Pécs.

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