Apply now for 2025 Fully funded United Nations-Nippon Foundation Fellowship

A prestigious and fully funded program, the UN-Nippon Foundation Fellowship Programme was created through a partnership between the UN and The Nippon Foundation with the goal of improving the knowledge of mid-level government officials and professionals from developing countries in ocean affairs and the law of the sea. 

With a three-month training component at the UN headquarters in New York and a six-month research and study phase at a host institution, this fellowship offers a full nine-month curriculum. With the knowledge and abilities to make a substantial contribution to the creation and execution of successful ocean policies and initiatives in their native nations, fellows promote the sustainable use and management of marine resources. 

The Nippon Foundation is a non-profit, private charitable organization with its headquarters in Japan. Its goal is to create a civilized world that is affluent and peaceful. Since its founding in 1962, the foundation has provided support to a number of industries, including education, public health, shipping and seafaring.  

Its collaboration on this fellowship program with the UN demonstrates its dedication to tackling important worldwide issues pertaining to ocean governance. The Nippon Foundation hopes to support its larger mission of fostering global cooperation and sustainable development by funding this fellowship and creating a network of highly qualified professionals who can advance maritime law and sustainable ocean management. 

Fellowship Level at the United Nations-Nippon Foundation  

The fully funded United Nations-Nippon Foundation Fellowship 2025 in the USA is intended for fellowship-level courses at US colleges.  

Subjects Available for Fellowship with the United Nations-Nippon Foundation  

The study of ocean and sea sciences is the main objective of the fellowship program. 

Advantages of the UN-Nippon Foundation Fellowship  

For the length of the program, all necessary costs are covered by the full funding of this fellowship. 

Nationalities Qualified for Fellowships from the United Nations-Nippon Foundation  

International students of any nationality are eligible to apply for the fellowship.  

Qualifications for a Fellowship from the United Nations-Nippon Foundation 

To be eligible for this fellowship, candidates need to:  

– be in the age range of 25 to 40.  

– hold a first-class university degree or a comparable credential.  

– possess a track record of success doing high-level academic research.  

– hold the nationality of an emerging nation.  

– presently work in a mid-level government position or in a profession that is specifically concerned with marine law or ocean issues.  

– make a research or study proposal that would directly advance the ocean affairs and maritime law policies of their nation. 

How to Apply for a Fellowship from the United Nations-Nippon Foundation:  

Application Guidelines 

– Get the application here: Preserve it as a Word or PDF file.  

– Fill out the form online: For all fields, use sentence case (John Smith, for example) and sign with a handwritten or electronic signature.  

– Respond to each inquiry fully and concisely: Examine sections 18, 19, and 20 carefully. If more than one page (of the same size) is required, attach it.  

Two Documents That Are Needed:  

– The proposed research/study program form and personal history: Fill out this form and sign it.  

– Form for Nomination and Recommendation: Ensure that the person or entity nominating you fills it out and signs it. 



All documents has to be completed, signed electronically (Word or PDF), and submitted to DOALOS before the deadline. Click here to apply. 

Application deadline 

September 15,2024. 



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